

Recherche contextuelle d'information dans un environnement mobile

14 years 3 months ago
Recherche contextuelle d'information dans un environnement mobile
The goal of contextual information retrieval (CIR) is to better meet the user's needs by delivering him information adapted to his specific search context. This paper presents a CIR approach for the case of a mobile environment where the spatio-temporal context of the user and his cognitive context are taken into account to deliver him some relevant information. We suggest building situational profiles based on the research history annotated by the spatio-temporal context to personalize the search results. Furthermore, the spatio-temporal context will be exploited to better address time or location sensitive queries. MOTS-CL
Ourdia Bouidghaghen
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Ourdia Bouidghaghen
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