

Realistic Depth Blur for Images with Range Data

14 years 3 months ago
Realistic Depth Blur for Images with Range Data
Abstract. We present a system that allows for changing the major camera parameters after the acquisition of an image. Using the high dynamic range composition technique and additional range information captured with a small and low-cost time-of-flight camera, our setup enables us to set the main parameters of a virtual camera system and to compute the resulting image. Hence, the aperture size and shape, exposure time, as well as the focus can be changed in a postprocessing step. Since the depth-of-field computation is sensitive to proper range data, it is essential to process the color and depth data in an integrated manner. We use a non-local filtering approach to denoise and upsample the range data. The same technique is used to infer missing information regarding depth and color which occur due to the parallax between both cameras as well as due to the lens camera model that we use to simulate the depth of field in a physically correct way.
Benjamin Huhle, Timo Schairer, Philipp Jenke, Wolf
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DAGM
Authors Benjamin Huhle, Timo Schairer, Philipp Jenke, Wolfgang Straßer
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