

Using coevolution to understand and validate game balance in continuous games

14 years 4 months ago
Using coevolution to understand and validate game balance in continuous games
We attack the problem of game balancing by using a coevolutionary algorithm to explore the space of possible game strategies and counter strategies. We define balanced games as games which have no single dominating strategy. Balanced games are more fun and provide a more interesting strategy space for players to explore. However, proving that a game is balanced mathematically may not be possible and industry commonly uses extensive and expensive human testing to balance games. We show how a coevolutionary algorithm can be used to test game balance and use the publicly available continuous state, capture-the-flag CaST game as our testbed. Our results show that we can use coevolution to highlight game imbalances in CaST and provide intuition towards balancing this game. This aids in eliminating dominating strategies, thus making the game more interesting as players must constantly adapt to opponent strategies. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.1 [Artificial Intelligence]: Applic...
Ryan E. Leigh, Justin Schonfeld, Sushil J. Louis
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ryan E. Leigh, Justin Schonfeld, Sushil J. Louis
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