

The study for transportation planning considered the inventory using hybrid genetic algorithm

14 years 3 months ago
The study for transportation planning considered the inventory using hybrid genetic algorithm
The transportation planning (TP) is well-known basic network problem. However, for some real-world applications, it is often that the TP model is extended to satisfy other additional constraints or performed in several stages. In this study, we formulate the two-stage transportation planning with inventory and exclusionary side constraints (esc-2ITP). In this model, one week divided into some terms and the annual demands of delivery centers are satisfied for each them and it includes the additional constraint in which the simultaneous shipments between some plants are prohibited. To solve the problem, we propose the hybrid Genetic Algorithms (h-GA) approach by using a prioritybased encoding method. Categories and Subject Descriptors G.2.2 Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Graph Theory, G.2.3 Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Applications General Terms Algorithms, Design Keywords Transportation Planning, Inventory, Priority-based encoding, hybrid Genetic Alg...
Shinichiro Ataka, Mitsuo Gen
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Shinichiro Ataka, Mitsuo Gen
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