

Total parser combinators

14 years 3 months ago
Total parser combinators
A monadic parser combinator library which guarantees termination of parsing, while still allowing many forms of left recursion, is described. The library's interface is similar to those of many other parser combinator libraries, with two important differences: one is that the interface clearly specifies which parts of the constructed parsers may be infinite, and which parts have to be finite, using dependent types and a combination of induction and coinduction; and the other is that the parser type is unusually informative. The library comes with a formal semantics, using which it is proved that the parser combinators are as expressive as possible. The implementation is supported by a machine-checked correctness proof.
Nils Anders Danielsson
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICFP
Authors Nils Anders Danielsson
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