

Effects of Varying the Delay Distribution in Random, Scale-free, and Small-world Networks

14 years 4 months ago
Effects of Varying the Delay Distribution in Random, Scale-free, and Small-world Networks
Graph-theory-based approaches have been used with great success when analyzing abstract properties of natural and artificial networks. However, these approaches have not factored in delay, which plays an important role in real-world networks. In this paper, we (1) developed a simple yet powerful method to include delay in graphbased analysis of networks, and (2) evaluated how different classes of networks (random, scale-free, and small-world) behave under different forms of delay (peaked, unimodal, or uniform delay distribution). We compared results from synthetically generated networks using two different sets of algorithms for network construction. In the first approach (naive), we generated directed graphs following the literal definition of the three types of networks. In the second approach (modified conventional), we adapted methods by Erd¨os–R´enyi (random), Barabasi (scale-free), and Watts– Strogatz (small-world). With these networks, we investigated the effect of ad...
Bum Soon Jang, Timothy Mann, Yoonsuck Choe
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where GRC
Authors Bum Soon Jang, Timothy Mann, Yoonsuck Choe
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