Large-scale computing environments, such as TeraGrid, Distributed ASCI Supercomputer (DAS), and Grid’5000, have been using resource co-allocation to execute applications on multiple sites. Their schedulers work with requests that contain imprecise estimations provided by users. This lack of accuracy generates fragments inside the scheduling queues that can be filled by rescheduling both local and multi-site requests. Current resource co-allocation solutions rely on advance reservations to ensure that users can access all the resources at the same time. These coallocation requests cannot be rescheduled if they are based on rigid advance reservations. In this work, we investigate the impact of rescheduling co-allocation requests based on flexible advance reservations and processor remapping. The metascheduler can modify the start time of each job component and remap the number of processors they use in each site. The experimental results show that local jobs may not fill all the fr...