Requirements to embedded systems increase steadily. In parallel, also the performance of the processors used in these systems is improved leading to multithreaded and/or multicore architectures. Depending on the type of the embedded system, using Java is a more and more popular way for software development. In this paper, we present a Java benchmark suite that enables the comparison of different embedded Java platforms while solely assuming the availability of a CLDC API, the minimal configuration defined for the J2ME. The core of the benchmark suite consists of adapted realworld applications. Furthermore, the suite contains benchmarks to explore multi-core/multi-threaded systems. Hence, it is possible to determine the gain of a parallel execution platform compared to sequential execution. Additionally, the penalty of a sequential program running on a parallel platform can be measured. Our benchmarks are structured in micro, kernel, application, parallel, and streaming benchmarks.
Martin Schoeberl, Thomas B. Preußer, Sascha