

Brief announcement: swarming secrets

14 years 3 months ago
Brief announcement: swarming secrets
We present information-theoretically secure schemes for sharing and modifying secrets among a dynamic swarm of computing devices. The schemes support an unlimited number of changes to the swarm including players joining and leaving the swarm, while swarms may be merged, cloned or split. The schemes securely and distributively maintain a global state for the swarm, and support an unlimited number of changes to the state according to received input. Our schemes are based on a novel construction of a strongly oblivious universal Turing Machine and on a distributed evaluation of this TM that reveals nothing to an adversary beyond a bound on the space complexity of the TM. Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.1: Distributed networks General Terms: Security, Theory.
Shlomi Dolev, Juan A. Garay, Niv Gilboa, Vladimir
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where PODC
Authors Shlomi Dolev, Juan A. Garay, Niv Gilboa, Vladimir Kolesnikov
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