

Semi-supervised Learning of Edge Filters for Volumetric Image Segmentation

14 years 3 months ago
Semi-supervised Learning of Edge Filters for Volumetric Image Segmentation
Abstract. For every segmentation task, prior knowledge about the object that shall be segmented has to be incorporated. This is typically performed either automatically by using labeled data to train the used algorithm, or by manual adaptation of the algorithm to the specific application. For the segmentation of 3D data, the generation of training sets is very tedious and time consuming, since in most cases, an expert has to mark the object boundaries in all slices of the 3D volume. To avoid this, we developed a new framework that combines unsupervised and supervised learning. First, the possible edge appearances are grouped, such that, in the second step, the expert only has to choose between relevant and non-relevant clusters. This way, even objects with very different edge appearances in different regions of the boundary can be segmented, while the user interaction is limited to a very simple operation. In the presented work, the chosen edge clusters are used to generate a filter fo...
Margret Keuper, Robert Bensch, Karsten Voigt, Alex
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where DAGM
Authors Margret Keuper, Robert Bensch, Karsten Voigt, Alexander Dovzhenko, Klaus Palme, Hans Burkhardt, Olaf Ronneberger
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