

Evaluating Quality Provisioning Levels in Service Oriented Business Environments

14 years 18 days ago
Evaluating Quality Provisioning Levels in Service Oriented Business Environments
This paper advocates the need for a mechanism that will allow the evaluation of the provided quality of service (QoS) by a service provider to a service customer in B2B service provisioning. Furthermore, this study goes on with presenting the feasibility of this mechanism by designing and testing a reference implementation that can be used in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment which is able to support business application services. Experience gained in the frame of the NextGRID IST [1] project that focused on the business perspectives of Grid computing and adopted SOA as its baseline architecture, has shown that such a mechanism is essential for enabling the economic viability of such large scale computing platforms.
Konstantinos Tserpes, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Andrea
Added 07 Dec 2010
Updated 07 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where EDOC
Authors Konstantinos Tserpes, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Andreas Menychtas, Antonios Litke, Costis Christogiannis, Theodora A. Varvarigou
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