

On the Impact of Caching for High Performance Packet Classifiers

14 years 3 months ago
On the Impact of Caching for High Performance Packet Classifiers
Hash functions have a space complexity of O(n) and a possible time complexity of O(1). Thus, packet classifiers exploit hashing to achieve packet classification in wire speed. Especially evolvable hash functions can adapt to a changing classification data base. But hash functions do have an important flaw. Some of the hashed keys may result in a large number of collisions. If those keys occur frequently, overall performance of a hash based packet classifier suffers. Although there is only limited or no existing locality in the data to be computed by a packet classifier, utilizing a cache can solve this problem. Unlike classical caches known from microprocessors, which are not adequate for packet classification and lookup algorithms, the proposed cache bases on a different strategy. It caches only the keys producing the most collisions instead of the ones that occur most often. That way, a cache improves the worst case performance of a hash function-based classifier. Based on simulatio...
Harald Widiger, Andreas Tockhorn, Dirk Timmermann
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Harald Widiger, Andreas Tockhorn, Dirk Timmermann
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