

Managing Responsive Environments with Software Agents

14 years 3 months ago
Managing Responsive Environments with Software Agents
Responsive environments are physical surroundings whose components change their behaviour to accommodate the presence of people as well as other components. We describe a means to manage such responsive environments whereby each component is dynamically assigned a software agent. Software agents are autonomous and reactive/proactive programs that communicate via message-passing. Arbitrary functionalities can be encoded in such agents, reflecting the capabilities of the components they represent, as well as extending them. Ours is a flexible and scalable approach allowing the gradual population of an environment with physical devices and their corresponding agents.
Flávio S. Corrêa da Silva, Wamberto W
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where AAI
Authors Flávio S. Corrêa da Silva, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos
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