

Alternative neural networks to estimate the scour below spillways

14 years 3 months ago
Alternative neural networks to estimate the scour below spillways
Artificial neural networks (ANN's) are associated with difficulties like lack of success in a given problem and unpredictable level of accuracy that could be achieved. In every new application it therefore becomes necessary to check their usefulness vis-a`-vis the traditional methods and also to ascertain their performance by trying out different combinations of network architectures and learning schemes. The present study was oriented in this direction and it pertained to the problem of scour depth prediction for ski-jump type of spillways. It evaluates performance of different network configurations and learning mechanisms. The network architectures considered are the usual feed forward back propagation trained using the standard error back propagation as well as the cascade correlation training schemes, relatively less used configurations of radial basis function and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. The network inputs were characteristic head and discharge intensity over...
H. Md. Azamathulla, M. C. Deo, P. B. Deolalikar
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where AES
Authors H. Md. Azamathulla, M. C. Deo, P. B. Deolalikar
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