

Subjective logic and arguing with evidence

14 years 3 months ago
Subjective logic and arguing with evidence
This paper introduces a Subjective Logic based argumentation framework primarily targeted at evidential reasoning. The framework explicitly caters for argument schemes, accrual of arguments, and burden of proof; these concepts appear in many types of argument, and are particularly useful in dialogues revolving around evidential reasoning. The concept of a sensor is also useful in this domain, and is incorporated in our framework. We show how the framework copes with a number of problems that existing frameworks have difficulty dealing with, and how it can be situated within a simple dialogue game. Finally, we examine how an agent can reason so as to decide what argument to advance to maximise its utility at the end of a dialogue. Key words: Argumentation, Dialogue Game, Heuristic, Evidence
Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where AI
Authors Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece
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