

Unplanned effects of intelligent agents on Internet use: a social informatics approach

14 years 3 months ago
Unplanned effects of intelligent agents on Internet use: a social informatics approach
This paper instigates a discourse on the unplanned effects of intelligent agents in the context of their use on the Internet. By utilizing a social informatics framework as a lens of analysis, the study identifies several unanticipated consequences of using intelligent agents for information- and commerce-based tasks on the Internet. The effects include those that transpire over time at the organizational level, such as e-commerce transformation, operational encumbrance and security overload, as well as those that emerge on a cultural level, such as trust affliction, skills erosion, privacy attrition and social detachment. Furthermore, three types of impacts are identified: economic, policy, and social. The discussion contends that economic impacts occur on the organizational level, social effects transpire on a cultural level, and policy impacts take place on both levels. These effects of the use of intelligent agents have seldom been predicted and discussed by visionaries, rese...
Alexander Serenko, Umar Ruhi, Mihail Cocosila
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where AIS
Authors Alexander Serenko, Umar Ruhi, Mihail Cocosila
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