

Fruitful and helpful ordinal functions

14 years 18 days ago
Fruitful and helpful ordinal functions
This document is a survey of the four papers [H], [Sch], [Com], [FandH]. It gives the relevant background and shows how the papers fit together to form a whole. Material from those papers is repeated only when necessary. As it stands the document is not intended for publication. However, if there is sufficient interest then I may rewrite it to include [H], [Sch], [Com], [FandH] and so form a self contained developement. This material has been around and available in some form for quite a while. This version was slightly modified after attending the Leeds meeting on Proof Theory in July 2009. I have added one or two extra comments in the light of my current knowledge. Contents
Harold Simmons
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where AML
Authors Harold Simmons
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