

Impact of Animal-Like Features on Emotion Expression of Robot Head EDDIE

14 years 17 days ago
Impact of Animal-Like Features on Emotion Expression of Robot Head EDDIE
This article investigates the influence of animal-like features (ears of a dragon lizard and crown of a cockatoo) and their pose variations on the quality of emotion expression of the robot head EDDIE. User studies are conducted presenting emotional expressions composed of the six basic emotions (based on FACS Action Units) in combination with the animal-like features under various inclination angles to human participants in randomized order. The results show, that a) the animal-like features have a significant influence on emotion expression, b) the expressed emotions are shifted in affective space dependent on the inclination angles of the animal-like features, c) these shifts are not uniform and different in orientation for each of the expressed emotions, and d) for some emotions ground truth is matched better with the animal-like features in addition to FACS Action Units. The animal-like features, thus, help to improve the emotion expression of EDDIE, which is particularly benefic...
Kolja Kühnlenz, Stefan Sosnowski, Martin Buss
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where AR
Authors Kolja Kühnlenz, Stefan Sosnowski, Martin Buss
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