

On the use of resampling tests for evaluating statistical significance of binding-site co-occurrence

14 years 2 months ago
On the use of resampling tests for evaluating statistical significance of binding-site co-occurrence
Background: In eukaryotes, most DNA-binding proteins exert their action as members of large effector complexes. The presence of these complexes are revealed in high-throughput genome-wide assays by the co-occurrence of the binding sites of different complex components. Resampling tests are one route by which the statistical significance of apparent co-occurrence can be assessed. Results: We have investigated two resampling approaches for evaluating the statistical significance of binding-site co-occurrence. The permutation test approach was found to yield overly favourable p-values while the independent resampling approach had the opposite effect and is of little use in practical terms. We have developed a new, pragmatically-devised hybrid approach that, when applied to the experimental results of an Polycomb/Trithorax study, yielded p-values consistent with the findings of that study. We extended our investigations to the FL method developed by Haiminen et al, which derives its null ...
David S. Huen, Steven Russell
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors David S. Huen, Steven Russell
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