

FluTyper-an algorithm for automated typing and subtyping of the influenza virus from high resolution mass spectral data

14 years 13 days ago
FluTyper-an algorithm for automated typing and subtyping of the influenza virus from high resolution mass spectral data
Background: High resolution mass spectrometry has been employed to rapidly and accurately type and subtype influenza viruses. The detection of signature peptides with unique theoretical masses enables the unequivocal assignment of the type and subtype of a given strain. This analysis has, to date, required the manual inspection of mass spectra of whole virus and antigen digests. Results: A computer algorithm, FluTyper, has been designed and implemented to achieve the automated analysis of MALDI mass spectra recorded for proteolytic digests of the whole influenza virus and antigens. FluTyper incorporates the use of established signature peptides and newly developed na
Jason W. H. Wong, Alexander B. Schwahn, Kevin M. D
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Jason W. H. Wong, Alexander B. Schwahn, Kevin M. Downard
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