

New structural variation in evolutionary searches of RNA neutral networks

14 years 2 months ago
New structural variation in evolutionary searches of RNA neutral networks
RNA secondary structure is an important computational model to understand how genetic variation maps into phenotypic (structural) variation. Evolutionary innovation in RNA structures is facilitated by neutral networks, large connected sets of RNA sequences that fold into the same structure. Our work extends and deepens previous studies on neutral networks. First, we show that even the 1-mutant neighborhood of a given sequence (genotype) G0 with structure (phenotype) P contains many structural variants that are not close to P. This holds for biological and generic RNA sequences alike. Second, we analyze the relation between new structures in the 1-neighborhoods of genotypes Gk that are only a moderate Hamming distance k away from G0, and the structure of G0 itself, both for biological and for generic RNA structures. Third, we analyze the relation between mutational robustness of a sequence and the distances of structural variants near this sequence. Our findings underscore the role of...
Sumedha, Olivier C. Martin, Andreas Wagner
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Sumedha, Olivier C. Martin, Andreas Wagner
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