

Efficient image reconstruction for point-based and line-based rendering

14 years 3 months ago
Efficient image reconstruction for point-based and line-based rendering
We address the problem of an efficient image-space reconstruction of adaptively sampled scenes in the context of point-based and line-based graphics. The imagespace reconstruction offers an advantageous time complexity compared to surface splatting techniques and, in fact, our improved GPU implementation performs significantly better than splatting implementations for large point-based models. We discuss the integration of elliptical Gaussian weights for enhanced image quality and generalize the image-space reconstruction to line segments. Furthermore, we present solutions for the efficient combination of points, lines, and polygons in a single image. Key words: Point-based graphics, Point-based rendering, Line-based rendering, Pyramid algorithm
Ricardo Marroquim, Martin Kraus, Paulo Roma Cavalc
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CG
Authors Ricardo Marroquim, Martin Kraus, Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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