

Index coding via linear programming

14 years 3 months ago
Index coding via linear programming
Abstract Anna Blasiak Robert Kleinberg Eyal Lubetzky Index Coding has received considerable attention recently motivated in part by applications such as fast video-on-demand and efficient communication in wireless networks and in part by its connection to Network Coding. Optimal encoding schemes and efficient heuristics were studied in various settings, alongside leading to new results for Network Coding such as improved gaps between linear and non-linear capacity as well as hardness of approximation. The basic setting of Index Coding encodes the side-information relation, the problem input, as an undirected graph and the fundamental parameter is the broadcast rate , the average communication cost per bit for sufficiently long messages (i.e. the non-linear vector capacity). Recent nontrivial bounds on were derived from the study of other Index Coding capacities (e.g. the scalar capacity 1) by Bar-Yossef et al (FOCS'06), Lubetzky and Stav (FOCS'07) and Alon et al (FOCS'...
Anna Blasiak, Robert D. Kleinberg, Eyal Lubetzky
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Anna Blasiak, Robert D. Kleinberg, Eyal Lubetzky
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