

Boosting Multi-Core Reachability Performance with Shared Hash Tables

14 years 20 days ago
Boosting Multi-Core Reachability Performance with Shared Hash Tables
Abstract--This paper focuses on data structures for multicore reachability, which is a key component in model checking algorithms and other verification methods. A cornerstone of an efficient solution is the storage of visited states. In related work, static partitioning of the state space was combined with thread-local storage. This solution leaves room for improvements. This paper presents a solution with a shared state storage. It is based on a lockless hash table implementation and scales better. The solution is specifically designed for the cache architecture of modern CPUs. Because model checking algorithms impose loose requirements on the hash table operations, their design can be streamlined substantially compared to related work on lockless hash tables. The resulting speedups are analyzed and compared with related tools. Our implementation outperforms two state-of-the-art multi-core model checkers, SPIN (presented at FMCAD 2006) and DiVinE, by a large margin, while placing few...
Alfons Laarman, Jaco van de Pol, Michael Weber 000
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Alfons Laarman, Jaco van de Pol, Michael Weber 0002
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