

Attribute oriented induction with star schema

14 years 3 months ago
Attribute oriented induction with star schema
: This paper will propose a novel star schema attribute induction as a new attribute induction paradigm and as improving from current attribute oriented induction. A novel star schema attribute induction will be examined with current attribute oriented induction based on characteristic rule and using non rule based concept hierarchy by implementing both of approaches. In novel star schema attribute induction some improvements have been implemented like elimination threshold number as maximum tuples control for generalization result, there is no ANY as the most general concept, replacement the role concept hierarchy with concept tree, simplification for the generalization strategy steps and elimination attribute oriented induction algorithm. Novel star schema attribute induction is more powerful than the current attribute oriented induction since can produce small number final generalization tuples and there is no ANY in the results. Keywords : Data Mining, attribute oriented induction,...
Spits Warnars H. L. H
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Spits Warnars H. L. H
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