

Particle Filtering for Large Dimensional State Spaces with Multimodal Observation Likelihoods

14 years 2 months ago
Particle Filtering for Large Dimensional State Spaces with Multimodal Observation Likelihoods
We study efficient importance sampling techniques for particle filtering (PF) when either (a) the observation likelihood (OL) is frequently multimodal or heavy-tailed, or (b) the state space dimension is large or both. When the OL is multimodal, but the state transition pdf (STP) is narrow enough, the optimal importance density is usually unimodal. Under this assumption, many techniques have been proposed. But when the STP is broad, this assumption does not hold. We study how existing techniques can be generalized to situations where the optimal importance density is multimodal, but is unimodal conditioned on a part of the state vector. Sufficient conditions to test for the unimodality of this conditional posterior are derived. Our result is directly extendable to testing for unimodality of any posterior. The number of particles N to accurately track using a PF increases with state space dimension, thus making any regular PF impractical for large dimensional tracking problems. But in m...
Namrata Vaswani
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Namrata Vaswani
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