

Phase Transitions on Fixed Connected Graphs and Random Graphs in the Presence of Noise

14 years 25 days ago
Phase Transitions on Fixed Connected Graphs and Random Graphs in the Presence of Noise
In this paper, we study phase transition behavior emerging from the interactions among multiple agents in the presence of noise. We propose a simple discrete-time model in which a group of non-mobile agents form either a fixed connected graph or a random graph process, and each agent, taking bipolar value either +1 or -1, updates its value according to its previous value and the noisy measurements of the connected agents' values. We present proofs for the occurrence of the following phase transition behavior: At a noise level higher than some threshold, the system generates symmetric behavior (vapor or melt of magnetization) or disagreement; whereas at a noise level lower than the threshold, the system exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking (solid or magnetization) or consensus. The threshold is found analytically. The phase transition holds for any dimension. Finally, we demonstrate the phase transition behavior and all analytic results using simulations. This result may be foun...
Jialing Liu, Vikas Yadav, Hullas Sehgal, Joshua M.
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Jialing Liu, Vikas Yadav, Hullas Sehgal, Joshua M. Olson, Haifeng Liu, Nicola Elia
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