

Randomised Variable Neighbourhood Search for Multi Objective Optimisation

14 years 3 months ago
Randomised Variable Neighbourhood Search for Multi Objective Optimisation
Various local search approaches have recently been applied to machine scheduling problems under multiple objectives. Their foremost consideration is the identification of the set of Pareto optimal alternatives. An important aspect of successfully solving these problems lies in the definition of an appropriate neighbourhood structure. Unclear in this context remains, how interdependencies within the fitness landscape affect the resolution of the problem. The paper presents a study of neighbourhood search operators for multiple objective flow shop scheduling. Experiments have been carried out with twelve different combinations of criteria. To derive exact conclusions, small problem instances, for which the optimal solutions are known, have been chosen. Statistical tests show that no single neighbourhood operator is able to equally identify all Pareto optimal alternatives. Significant improvements however have been obtained by hybridising the solution algorithm using a randomised variabl...
Martin Josef Geiger
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Martin Josef Geiger
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