

Document stream clustering: experimenting an incremental algorithm and AR-based tools for highlighting dynamic trends

14 years 3 months ago
Document stream clustering: experimenting an incremental algorithm and AR-based tools for highlighting dynamic trends
We address here two major challenges presented by dynamic data mining: 1) the stability challenge: we have implemented a rigorous incremental density-based clustering algorithm, independent from any initial conditions and ordering of the data-vectors stream, 2) the cognitive challenge: we have implemented a stringent selection process of association rules between clusters at time t-1 and time t for directly generating the main conclusions about the dynamics of a data-stream. We illustrate these points with an application to a two years and 2600 documents scientific information database.
Alain Lelu, Martine Cadot, Pascal Cuxac
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Alain Lelu, Martine Cadot, Pascal Cuxac
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