

Secrecy in Cooperative Relay Broadcast Channels

14 years 3 months ago
Secrecy in Cooperative Relay Broadcast Channels
We investigate the effects of user cooperation on the secrecy of broadcast channels by considering a cooperative relay broadcast channel. We show that user cooperation can increase the achievable secrecy region. We propose an achievable scheme that combines Marton's coding scheme for broadcast channels and Cover and El Gamal's compress-and-forward scheme for relay channels. We derive outer bounds for the rate-equivocation region using auxiliary random variables for single-letterization. Finally, we consider a Gaussian channel and show that both users can have positive secrecy rates, which is not possible for scalar Gaussian broadcast channels without cooperation.
Ersen Ekrem, Sennur Ulukus
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Ersen Ekrem, Sennur Ulukus
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