

Edge ranking and searching in partial orders

14 years 2 months ago
Edge ranking and searching in partial orders
: We consider a problem of searching an element in a partially ordered set (poset). The goal is to find a search strategy which minimizes the number of comparisons. Ben-Asher, Farchi and Newman considered a special case where the partial order has the maximum element and the Hasse diagram is a tree (tree-like posets) and they gave an O(n4 log3 n)-time algorithm for finding an optimal search strategy for such a partial order. We show that this problem is equivalent to finding edge ranking of a simple tree corresponding to the Hasse diagram, which implies the existence of a linear-time algorithm for this problem. Then we study a more general problem, namely searching in any partial order with maximum element. We prove that such a generalization is hard, and we give an O( log n log(log n) )-approximate polynomial-time algorithm for this problem.
Dariusz Dereniowski
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DAM
Authors Dariusz Dereniowski
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