

On extremal k-outconnected graphs

14 years 3 months ago
On extremal k-outconnected graphs
Let G be a minimally k-connected graph with n nodes and m edges. Mader proved that if n 3k - 2 then m k(n - k), and for n 3k - 1 an equality is possible if, and only if, G is the complete bipartite graph Kk,n-k. Cai proved that if n 3k - 2 then m (n + k)2/8 , and listed the cases when this bound is tight. In this paper we prove a more general theorem, which implies similar results for minimally k-outconnected graphs; a graph is called k-outconnected from r if it contains k internally disjoint paths from r to every other node. Key-words: minimally k-outconnected graphs, extremal graphs
Zeev Nutov
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DM
Authors Zeev Nutov
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