

Computational methods for database repair by signed formulae

14 years 2 months ago
Computational methods for database repair by signed formulae
We introduce a simple and practical method for repairing inconsistent databases. Given a possibly inconsistent database, the idea is to properly represent the underlying problem, i.e., to describe the possible ways of restoring its consistency. We do so by what we call signed formulae, and show how the `signed theory' that is obtained can be used by a variety of off-the-shelf computational models in order to compute the corresponding solutions, i.e., consistent repairs of the database.
Ofer Arieli, Marc Denecker, Bert Van Nuffelen, Mau
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where AMAI
Authors Ofer Arieli, Marc Denecker, Bert Van Nuffelen, Maurice Bruynooghe
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