

Termination of Lazy Rewriting Revisited

14 years 3 months ago
Termination of Lazy Rewriting Revisited
Lazy rewriting is a proper restriction of term rewriting that dynamically restricts the reduction of certain arguments of functions in order to obtain termination. In contrast to context-sensitive rewriting reductions at such argument positions are not completely forbidden but delayed. Based on the observation that the only existing (non-trivial) approach to prove termination of such lazy rewrite systems is flawed, we develop a modified approach for transforming lazy rewrite systems into context-sensitive ones that is sound and complete with respect to termination.
Felix Schernhammer, Bernhard Gramlich
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Felix Schernhammer, Bernhard Gramlich
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