

General variable neighborhood search for the continuous optimization

14 years 20 days ago
General variable neighborhood search for the continuous optimization
We suggest a new heuristic for solving unconstrained continuous optimization problems. It is based on a generalized version of the variable neighborhood search metaheuristic. Different neighborhoods and distributions, induced from different metrics are ranked and used to get random points in the shaking step. We also propose VNS for solving constrained optimization problems. The constraints are handled using exterior point penalty functions within an algorithm that combines sequential and exact penalty transformations. The extensive computer analysis that includes the comparison with genetic algorithm and some other approaches on standard test functions are given. With our approach we obtain encouraging results.
Nenad Mladenovic, Milan Drazic, Vera Kovacevic-Vuj
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where EOR
Authors Nenad Mladenovic, Milan Drazic, Vera Kovacevic-Vujcic, Mirjana Cangalovic
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