

Enforcing User-Defined Constraints during the Run-Time in OODB

14 years 20 days ago
Enforcing User-Defined Constraints during the Run-Time in OODB
: In this paper a run-time model is proposed. The run-time model enforces integrity constraints for attributes that are derived from composition and inheritance hierarchies. The run-time model is designed for enforcing the logical integrity constraints in object-oriented databases during the run-time. A new technique called detection method is designed to check the object meta data to detect and catch the object-oriented databases violation before it occurs. Furthermore, we have implemented the RTM and supported set of definitions that are for checking attribute values validity, object-oriented databases consistency, and also a method for verifying attribute values when inserting, deleting, and updating objects.
Belal Zaqaibeh, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, Md Nas
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Belal Zaqaibeh, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, Md Nasir Sulaiman
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