

Hierarchical combination of intruder theories

14 years 26 days ago
Hierarchical combination of intruder theories
Recently automated deduction tools have proved to be very effective for detecting attacks on cryptographic protocols. These analysis can be improved, for finding more subtle weaknesses, by a more accurate modelling of operators employed by protocols. Several works have shown how to handle a single algebraic operator (associated with a fixed intruder theory) or how to combine several operators satisfying disjoint theories. However several interesting equational theories, such as exponentiation with an abelian group law for exponents remain out of the scope of these techniques. This has motivated us to introduce a new notion of hierarchical combination for non disjoint intruder theories and to show decidability results for the deduction problem in these theories. We have also shown that under natural hypotheses hierarchical intruder constraints can be decided. This result applies to an exponentiation theory that appears to be more general than the one considered before. Key words: Crypt...
Yannick Chevalier, Michaël Rusinowitch
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Yannick Chevalier, Michaël Rusinowitch
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