

Rendering Soft Shadows using Multilayered Shadow Fins

14 years 2 months ago
Rendering Soft Shadows using Multilayered Shadow Fins
Generating soft shadows in real time is difficult. Exact methods (such as ray tracing, and multiple light source simulation) are too slow, while approximate methods often overestimate the umbra regions. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm based on the shadow map method to quickly and highly accurately render soft shadows produced by a light source. Our method builds inner and outer translucent fins on objects to represent the penumbra area inside and outside hard shadows, respectively. The fins are traced into multilayered light space maps to store illuminance adjustment to shadows. The viewing space illuminance buffer is then calculated using those maps. Finally, by blending illuminance and shading, a scene with highly accurate soft shadow effects is produced. Our method does not suffer from umbra overestimation. Physical relations between light, objects and shadows demonstrate the soundness of our approach.
Xiao-Hua Cai, Yun-Tao Jia, Xi Wang, Shi-Min Hu, Ra
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CGF
Authors Xiao-Hua Cai, Yun-Tao Jia, Xi Wang, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph R. Martin
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