

Agent-based model for managing composite product information

14 years 14 days ago
Agent-based model for managing composite product information
The importance of product information management during the whole lifetime of the product has increased due to the technical sophistication of products as well as stricter governmental regulations for lifecycle management. Just sending the relevant product information downstream in the supply chain does not solve the challenges of product information management of complex products due to difficulties in updating the information and a risk of information overflow in the supply chain. This article describes an agent-based information management model that can be used for managing the information of complex products at a component level in a distributed manner. Further the paper presents an information management platform that can achieve information management requirements by using seven distinct messages.
Kary Främling, Timo Ala-Risku, Mikko Kär
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CII
Authors Kary Främling, Timo Ala-Risku, Mikko Kärkkäinen, Jan Holmström
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