

Runtime bytecode transformation for Smalltalk

14 years 15 days ago
Runtime bytecode transformation for Smalltalk
Transforming programs to alter their semantics is of wide interest, for purposes as diverse as off-the-shelf component adaptation, optimization,tracegeneration,andexperimentationwithnewlanguagefeatures.Thecurrentwaveofinterestinadvancedtechnologies for better separation of concerns, such as aspect-oriented programming, is a solid testimony of this fact. Strangely enough, almost all proposals are formulated in the context of Java, in which tool providers encounter severe restrictions due to the rigidity of the environment. This paper presents BYTESURGEON, a library to transform binary code in Smalltalk. BYTESURGEON takes full advantage of the flexibility of the Squeak environment to enable bytecode transformation at runtime, thereby allowing dynamic, on-the-fly modification of applications. BYTESURGEON operates on bytecode in order to cope with situations where the source code vailable, while providing appropriate high-level abstractions so that users do not need to program at the byte...
Marcus Denker, Stéphane Ducasse, Éri
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CL
Authors Marcus Denker, Stéphane Ducasse, Éric Tanter
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