

Event-condition-action rules on RDF metadata in P2P environments

14 years 2 months ago
Event-condition-action rules on RDF metadata in P2P environments
RDF is one of the technologies proposed to realise the vision of the Semantic Web and it is being increasingly used in distributed web-based applications. The use of RDF in applications that require timely noti cation of metadata changes raises the need for mechanisms for monitoring and processing such changes. Event-ConditionAction (ECA) rules are a natural candidate to ful ll this need. In this paper, we study ECA rules on RDF metadata in P2P environments. We describe a language for de ning ECA rules on RDF metadata, including its syntax and execution semantics. We develop conservative tests for determining the termination and con uence of sets of such ECA rules. We describe an architecture supporting such rules in P2P environments, and our current implementation of this architecture. We also discuss techniques for relaxing the isolation and atomicity requirements of transactions.
George Papamarkos, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Peter
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CN
Authors George Papamarkos, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Peter T. Wood
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