

On scalability properties of the Hi3 control plane

14 years 2 months ago
On scalability properties of the Hi3 control plane
The Host Identity Indirection Infrastructure (Hi3) is a general-purpose networking architecture, derived from the Internet Indirection Infrastructure (i3) and the Host Identity Protocol (HIP). Hi3 combines efficient and secure end-to-end data plane transmission of HIP with robustness and resilience of i3. The architecture is well-suited for mobile hosts given the support for simultaneous host mobility, rendezvous and multi-homing. Although an Hi3 prototype is implemented and tested on PlanetLab, scalability properties of Hi3 for a large number of hosts are unknown. In this paper, we propose a simple model for bounds of size and latency of the Hi3 control plane for a large number of clients and in the presence of DoS attacks. The model can be used for a first approximation study of a large-scale Internet control plane before its deployment. We apply the model to quantify the performance of the Hi3 control plane. Our results show that the Hi3 control plane can support a large number of ...
Dmitry Korzun, Andrei Gurtov
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Dmitry Korzun, Andrei Gurtov
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