

Improving Precision of Type Analysis Using Non-Discriminative Union

14 years 3 months ago
Improving Precision of Type Analysis Using Non-Discriminative Union
This paper presents a new type analysis for logic programs. The analysis is performed with a priori type definitions; and type expressions are formed from a fixed alphabet of type constructors. Non-discriminative union is used to join type information from different sources without loss of precision. An operation that is performed repeatedly during an analysis is to detect if a fixpoint has been reached. This is reduced to checking the emptiness of types. Due to the use of non-discriminative union, the fundamental problem of checking the emptiness of types is more complex in the proposed type analysis than in other type analyses with a priori type definitions. The experimental results, however, show that use of tabling reduces the effect to a small fraction of analysis time on a set of benchmarks.
Lunjin Lu
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CORR
Authors Lunjin Lu
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