

Considering users' behaviours in improving the responses of an information base

14 years 2 months ago
Considering users' behaviours in improving the responses of an information base
: In this paper, our aim is to propose a model that helps in the efficient use of an information system by users, within the organization represented by the IS, in order to resolve their decisional problems. In other words we want to aid the user within an organization in obtaining the information that corresponds to his needs (informational needs that result from his decisional problems). This type of information system is what we refer to as economic intelligence system because of its support for economic intelligence processes of the organisation. Our assumption is that every EI process begins with the identification of the decisional problem which is translated into an informational need. This need is then translated into one or many information search problems (ISP). We also assumed that an ISP is expressed in terms of the user's expectations and that these expectations determine the activities or the behaviors of the user, when he/she uses an IS. The model we are proposing i...
Babajide Afolabi, Odile Thiery
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CORR
Authors Babajide Afolabi, Odile Thiery
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