

On the Efficiency of Strategies for Subdividing Polynomial Triangular Surface Patches

14 years 2 months ago
On the Efficiency of Strategies for Subdividing Polynomial Triangular Surface Patches
In this paper, we investigate the efficiency of various strategies for subdividing polynomial triangular surface patches. We give a simple algorithm performing a regular subdivision in four calls to the standard de Casteljau algorithm (in its subdivision version). A naive version uses twelve calls. We also show that any method for obtaining a regular subdivision using the standard de Casteljau algorithm requires at least 4 calls. Thus, our method is optimal. We give another subdivision algorithm using only three calls to the de Casteljau algorithm. Instead of being regular, the subdivision pattern is diamond-like. Finally, we present a "spider-like" subdivision scheme producing six subtriangles in four calls to the de Casteljau algorithm. 1
Jean H. Gallier
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CORR
Authors Jean H. Gallier
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