

An improved Akaike information criterion for state-space model selection

14 years 2 months ago
An improved Akaike information criterion for state-space model selection
Following the work of Hurvich, Shumway, and Tsai (1990), we propose an "improved" variant of the Akaike information criterion, AICi, for state-space model selection. The variant is based on Akaike's (1973) objective of estimating the Kullback-Leibler information (Kullback 1968) between the densities corresponding to the fitted model and the generating or true model. The development of AICi proceeds by decomposing the expected information into two terms. The first term suggests that the empirical log likelihood can be used to form a biased estimator of the information; the second term provides the bias adjustment. Exact computation of the bias adjustment requires the values of the true model parameters, which are inaccessible in practical applications. Yet for fitted models in the candidate class that are correctly specified or overfit, the adjustment is asymptotically independent of the true parameters. Thus, in certain settings, the adjustment may be estimated via Mont...
Thomas Bengtsson, Joseph E. Cavanaugh
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CSDA
Authors Thomas Bengtsson, Joseph E. Cavanaugh
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