

An Approach to Shorten Digital Signature Length

14 years 15 days ago
An Approach to Shorten Digital Signature Length
A new method is proposed to design short signature schemes based on difficulty of factorizing a composite number n = qr, where q and r are two large primes. Using the method new digital signature schemes (DSS) with the 320-bit and 240-bit signature size are developed. The characteristic feature of the 240-bit signature DSS is the use of "three-level" verification equation, for example, R = kgH mod n mod p, where k = Rg mod n mod p mod . The (k, g) signature corresponds to the H hash value and represents a pair of natural numbers having the size of 80 and 160 bits, respectively. The modulus is a prime number. The public key is the triple (, , p), where p = 2n + 1 is prime, is the q order element modulo p, is the order element modulo q. The private key is represented by the pair of two prime numbers (q, ).
Nikolay A. Moldovyan
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CSJM
Authors Nikolay A. Moldovyan
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