

Approximating the minimum clique cover and other hard problems in subtree filament graphs

14 years 14 days ago
Approximating the minimum clique cover and other hard problems in subtree filament graphs
Subtree filament graphs are the intersection graphs of subtree filaments in a tree. This class of graphs contains subtree overlap graphs, interval filament graphs, chordal graphs, circle graphs, circular-arc graphs, cocomparability graphs, and polygon-circle graphs. In this paper we show that, for circle graphs, the clique cover problem is NP-complete and the h-clique cover problem for fixed h is solvable in polynomial time. We then present a general scheme for developing approximation algorithms for subtree filament graphs, and give approximation algorithms developed from the scheme for the following problems which are NP-complete on circle graphs and therefore on subtree filament graphs: clique cover, vertex colouring, maximum k-colourable subgraph, and maximum h-coverable subgraph. Key Words: subtree filament graph, circle graph, clique cover, NP-complete, approximation algorithm.
J. Mark Keil, Lorna Stewart
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where DAM
Authors J. Mark Keil, Lorna Stewart
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