

Lattice Points in Large Borel Sets and Successive Minima

14 years 3 months ago
Lattice Points in Large Borel Sets and Successive Minima
Let B be a Borel set in Ed with volume V (B) = . It is shown that almost all lattices L in Ed contain infinitely many pairwise disjoint d-tuples, that is sets of d linearly independent points in B. A consequence of this result is the following: let S be a star body in Ed with V (S) = . Then for almost all lattices L in Ed the successive minima 1(S, L), . . . , d(S, L) of S with respect to L are 0. A corresponding result holds for most lattices in the Baire category sense. A tool for the latter result is the semi-continuity of the successive minima. Key words. Borel sets, star bodies, lattices, successive minima, measure, Baire category, semicontinuity. MSC 2000. 11H16, 11H50, 11J25.
Iskander Aliev, Peter M. Gruber
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where DCG
Authors Iskander Aliev, Peter M. Gruber
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