

On the role of hypercubes in the resonance graphs of benzenoid graphs

14 years 20 days ago
On the role of hypercubes in the resonance graphs of benzenoid graphs
The resonance graph R(B) of a benzenoid graph B has the perfect matchings of B as vertices, two perfect matchings being adjacent13 if their symmetric difference forms the edge set of a hexagon of B. A family P of pair-wise disjoint hexagons of a benzenoid graph B is resonant in B if B.P contains at least one perfect matching, or if B.P is empty. It is proven that there exists a surjective map f15 from the set of hypercubes of R(B) onto the resonant sets of B such that a k-dimensional hypercube is mapped into a resonant set of cardinality k.17
Khaled Salem, Sandi Klavzar, Ivan Gutman
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where DM
Authors Khaled Salem, Sandi Klavzar, Ivan Gutman
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